We are 15 days into the new year and many of us have set spiritual, relationship, financial, and health and wellness goals, otherwise known as resolutions.  And if you haven’t set any goals for the year, it’s not too late.

    I know you have set goals before and didn’t accomplish them, and statistics say that only 9.2% of people that make New Year’s resolutions are able to follow through.  Well, you can be in that number.  January 1st does not have any special powers to make you reach your goals.  You can begin any day, as long as you begin.  However, there are a few things that will help you stick with it.

    The first thing you need to do is know what you want to accomplish and have a clear reason for wanting to accomplish each goal.  This builds on the traditional S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant/realistic, and time-bound) goal by giving your goal a motivating why.  Instead of saying you want to lose ten pounds by May 1st, add your motivating why.  Maybe you want to begin an exercise regimen and eat better, in order to lose ten pounds so that you can be healthy enough to play with your kids for longer periods of time.  Whatever your goal is make sure that it is not only specific, but has a motivating why attached to it.  This will help you stick with it, even when you want to give up.

    Once you know what you want to accomplish and why, write it down and put it up in plain sight.  When you write down your goals, you provide a visual element to remind you and those around you of the things that you desire to accomplish.  In addition to providing an external visual aid, writing your goals down helps you to internalize and act on the steps necessary to achieve your goals.  I write my goals in several places to help me stay focused, and I have made a list of resources that might be helpful to you:

    1. Vision board.  For the past few years, my family and I have created visions boards. These simple boards help us to visualize what we want to cultivate or manifest throughout the year.  There are a mixture of quotes, pictures and words of affirmation.  Every family member has his or her own, and creating an annual vision board has really helped us become more productive.
    2. Cultivate What Matters Powersheets.  In 2017, I became aware of Lara Casey, the founder of Powersheets, and instantly became a fan.  This planner has helped me remember why I do what I do, and keeps me focused on the goals that really matter to me and my loved ones without getting too overwhelmed with the cares of this life.
    3. Conquer Your Year: The Ultimate Planner.  This planner is divided into quarters. It helps me to prioritize my business goals by breaking one or more big goals down into several attainable steps. This planner, coupled with Natalie MacNeil’s book The Conquer Kit, has really helped me create better processes to achieve my business goals.

    Each of these tools, have been very helpful to me as a wife, mother and entrepreneur.  However, one of the most valuable resources that consistently helps me achieve my goals is accountability.  My husband and my children are awesome at helping to keep me accountable, and I am grateful to and for them.  In addition to my family, I have mentors and colleagues that help to keep me focused on the things that really matter.  After you have written down your goals, be sure to get an accountability partner that will help you stay focused and celebrate the small and big victories.

    Last, but not least, celebrate the small victories.  This may seem a little contrary to what you’ve been taught.  I used to wait until I accomplished my big goals before I celebrated and let others know about my progress.  But there were times when I would want to quit before achieving my goals and I had to figure out how to stay motivated.  That’s when I learned how to be grateful and celebrate my small victories.  Celebrating the small victories helps me stay motivated when I’m working towards achieving a bigger goal.  When the goals seem unachievable, I am able to look back on the progress I have made towards them and keep moving, instead of calling it quits.

    I hope this blog entry has helped you see how you can achieve your 2019 goals.  As you work towards your goals, I’d love to hear about your progress.  Maybe, I can even celebrate with you.  If you would like accountability or a gentle nudge every now and then, feel free to comment below or send me a message.



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    Thank you so much for giving your insight on keeping New Years’ resolutions. Up until this year I have been having a hard time staying consistent and I really want to be more productive this year, so I will definitely be trying these tips out.

    I am glad that you found this post helpful. If I can do anything else to help you realize your 2019 goals, feel free to reach out to me. Have a great day!

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